Wow! What a beautiful snow we had to enjoy for the weekend. We didn't get much before Friday night. We woke up Saturday morning to around 6"-8" of snow. Some areas had more, some less. It's not often we get a snow good enough to really enjoy sledding, but this was one for the scrapbook. Lots of folks took the opportunity to grab a sled (or some adaptation thereof) to hit the local "slopes". Annie donned her famous red snow suit that she hadn't worn since a skiing trip in France in 1997 and hit a local hill in Brydstown along with family and friends. Grant's purple sled from the pontoon boat he had created summer before last served it's original purpose well once again. Needless to say, everyone had a blast. As is usually the case, the snow won't last long and road crews have done a good job here. Life is pretty much back to normal for most folks by today (Monday). Schools are closed, but that is for the safety of the children. They will probably have another day (or two) of fun in the snow before it all melts away and school is back in session.

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