Part of my - "Annie’s" - travels take me down many windy, country roads around beautiful Center Hill Lake. I often encounter some of the most fantastic scenery including barns, pastures, tremendous lake views, mountain vistas and other awe inspiring panoramas. Every now and then when I am snapping pictures, the farm animals pop there heads up from their grazing to see what this foreigner is doing! Curious to know why someone is interrupting their eating schedule or their play time. Recently, while driving down to a friend’s new log cabin at Center Hill Lake following a day out of fantastic shopping in McMinnville and Sparta, we spotted this delightful, intelligent sheep that was peeking out of his home. He is so cute and seems so curious. The day spent with my friend, Karen, was great. We spent the whole day shopping, chatting, laughing, discovering, and enjoyed a delightful lunch at Miss Marenda’s Tea Room in Sparta. Come on ladies, take a day off and grab your mom, sister, or your girlfriends and go out exploring with "Annie’s Travels and Treasures". Download one of our guides through our websites for FREE - http://www.go2dhl.com/ - Dale Hollow Lake, http://www.go2bsf.com/ - Big South Fork, or http://www.go2fcf.com/ - Fall Creek Falls (http://www.go2chl.com/ - Center Hill Lake, will be available in April 2010). The 2010 edition of the Fall Creek Falls guide is now available and the 2010 Dale Hollow Lake guide will be online at the end of December - meantime, download the 2009 guide to get those stories before it is gone. You may also request one of the guides be shipped to you through: http://www.shop.go2dhl.com/. The guides are still free, but with the ever increasing postage, we have had to pass that expense along to our readers. ALSO, if you are looking for a place to make plans for New Years Eve, don't forget to check out our event calendars! Happy Trails!
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